'03 Sport CD Changer Won't Accept Discs - What Now?

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'03 Sport CD Changer Won't Accept Discs - What Now?

Post by MLastovo »

The CD Changer won't accept a/any CDs. I poked and prodded and, hold your hat, read the manual and still no-go.
Any suggestions besides swapping out with eBay offering?

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Re: '03 Sport CD Changer Won't Accept Discs - What Now?

Post by anarchy1024 »

Does it sound like something jammed (i.e. you hear the motor trying to do something) or it's just completely dead? If jammed, what I've seen in the past is foreign objects shoved into the slot, often by children. Even saw a repair note from a technician, "Thanks for 11 cents found inside the CD chassis."

If completely dead, could be a loose or corroded/oxidized connector, in which case unplugging it and plugging it back in might help. Otherwise, could just be a failed unit.

Also, where is your cargo bed light switch? On mine, it was below the CD player (I didn't have a changer).
Scoobytruck Lurker
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Re: '03 Sport CD Changer Won't Accept Discs - What Now?

Post by MLastovo »

Nope, no sound. No sound from any action i.e. pushing buttons, banging on stuff etc. It's dead Jim.

I hear your corrosion idea but highly doubt it. The car/truck/whatever it is is from SoCal all its life and is VERY clean. Yeah, it is just a few hundred miles under 200k on the clock but it's really nice and was well cared for by the PO.

Now a loose connection may be something to consider. When I got the er, vehicle, all but 2 of the dash lights were out and to get the cluster out you have to start dissembling at the shifter and work your way up and to the left. Hmmm...
Thanks for the suggestion.

The cargo light switch is to the left of the steering wheel.

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